Pinchas excerpts


Shabbat Shalom

Oh. People showed up today.

There was a census taken among Israel, yet again. H' tells Moshe and Elazar to take yet another census.
They count 601,730 men from 20 years and up. 601,730! and we can't get a minyan (quorom- if that helps).
There are not 10 men in this congregation that are willing to wake up. I took a census last week. 3. That is the synagogue census.

Why is it already noon? Because we only got started today at 10:30am....
You ask why? Lets start with Mr. Shwartzberger who stopped saying Kaddish last year. With all the deaths in our community, B"H, we had a good minyan going for three years. Now that everybody is living, we can't even count 4 at weekday census.

Mentioned in the Parsha, is the loss of Korach and his people. Because when they died, people started showing up....
As the Daughters of Tzelafchad, a man who had no sons, merited to a portion of Israel, may this shule merit a minyan without death.


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