Ki Tisa Excerpts

כי תשא
Shabbat Shalom

(34:27) Moses wrote the 10 commandments... Because Gd 'sealed the covenant' with us for that... Why the new shul bylaws?... 
So Moshe broke the first tablets. Not the point. You don't rewrite Psukei Dzimra because nobody says the prayer.

(34:28-29) Moseh was up there and didn't drink or eat , he wrote the tablets, and when he came  down he was radiant. His skin had become radiant. He didn't have a sunburn from Florida, like Faye.... You come back and you want us to start with this new outsideKiddush here. Have you seen the weather?
When you accomplish something your skin can change... It is not because of the winter. You can still get a tan here too... Yes. We should have a shul skiing weekend. Just with no skiing on Shabbat... So, we won't do it.
(34:30) The people were scared to get close to Moshe because of this. You fear closeness to holy. Why... We know why you do Bernie. But why do you all fear closeness to H'?... None of us want to get yelled at by Faye. But we can't change the shul laws just because she was in Boca.
We are talking about holiness here. Not a decent idea for a new parking pattern... You can't angle park, because there is no way out on the other side... How about we come up with a shul bylaw that you can't use a deceased person's disabled parking sign on the dash... Shame. 

So, Moshe covers his face. But when he talks to Gd, he uncovers his face. (34:34) When Moshe went to receive the commandments from H,' he would have his face uncovered... You can't have a block when connecting with H.' He sees the truth.
That is what scares you. It scares you that you will be seen for who you are. Your radiance will be seen and it is not that pure. Truth is what you are all scared of. That is why you focus on writing a new bill for the shul at meetings, and not showing up to minyan. 

That is why Moshe had to put on a mask when talking to the people, as that radiance represents oneness. Nothing fake. No hiding... We will not be a true community of holiness until we can agree on the correct cheesecake for dairy kiddush and parking patterns... Because a bunch of fools who don't see the truth, and are extremely not radiant... No. You are not glowing today, Mike...
When a figure of authority sees, the people are scared. Their cover-ups cannot be covered, so the leader must cover himself to lead them. Moshe sees the ways of the people, but they can't be seen, in their minds. They have to hide behind a layer of falseness, that appears false to them. In this case, that is Moshe mascaraeding with a mask, for them. Just like when I have to teach remedial classes. When I have to give up my parking spot?!... I will not give up my parking spot. I will not show up to shul if I don't have a parking spot... Because I am the rabbi... Until this congregation can see their leader, as a person who deserves parking. I will cover my face. Better yet, I will not show up.
Shabbat Shalom. I am not here this Shabbis. Enjoy your homemade cheesecake... You buy Mother's cheesecake. It is good. It is tradition. It is truth. And you all blind yourselves from that. I will not mascaraed anymore, parking with the disabled people...
That was a dumb idea to write it on stone. You can't edit that stuff. You should've written the bylaws in the computer and made copies... It's 2019.


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