Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur Shalom

We read from Acharei Mot, in Leviticus. Or as you showoffs call it, Vayikra.

Right after Aaron's son's die, H' tells Moshe to go over to Aaron and tell him how to practice the service.
His son's just died from doing an improper service and right away- go to Aaron and tell him how to do it properly so that he won't die....not generally the way we enter a Shiva House...your child died from overdose this year. Did the Rabbi tell you to get off the meth? No...

We all have a calling. But we can't handle it. Aaron has a calling. and he had to hear it.

He is commanded to have a calling. Moshe doesn't come over and start comforting him. 'Oh, your sons died...' Moshe doesn't tell Aaron to bask in his sadness. He tells him you have to do something. You are on this earth for a reason. No matter how much it hurts. And I know many of us in this congregation are dealing with children who hurt us. They are painful. 30 years old still living at home...Got a college degree and make nothing of themselves with their job at Target...You should be manager by now Simantha. Manager!..But you still work in jean repairs. Nobody brings in jeans for repairs. What is your calling? You should be in cosmetics for crying...But all you do is complain. You don't heed your calling.

You people lose a pen and I can't get your attention for a whole day
You people can't find one of the pins that holds the button down shirts together in the package and you can't even walk around your house for a week
You people run out of meth and then you are trying to figure out why you can't enjoy South Park.
You let stuff keep you back
You people have to fast for a day and complain the whole time. All your prayers are about how you can make it through this fast alive...Binyamin is IVing steak in the back. If you don't need it for medical reasons you shouldn't have an IV...I can't make it through the services. They are so long. How about an appeal to make the services shorter...Rachel made a New Years resolution to never pray again...
How about enjoying the 12 hour Yom Kippur Service????

This year, don't let anything hold you back from your goals...It is Yom Kippur for crying out loud. And please stop with the the sobbing in the back there...we all know you sinned and your family left you. Cry to the lawyer for not winning the settlement...you held your kids back...your 8 year old is still in kindergarten...it is all about the right time. Aaron is told to go into the Holy only when there is a cloud above it. Not at all times.

Who will live and who will die? In our right time.
As long as we are alive, we have to heed our calling...it is our time to heed our calling.
For some of you, the calling is making sure kids get on the bus in the morning, so that they don't have to stay in kindergarten because of their drunk dad. For others it is making sure people don't have holes in their jeans. And for others it is making sure that they don't ruin their parents' lives by being....
The point is, stay off the drugs. It is the drugs that are killing you. The service is not.
It is a strong message that your rabbi had to share. The egg commercial did not do justice to the message.

Gmar Chatima Tova Shana Shel Keif vKol HaBrachot vTov BChaim


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