Korach excerpts


Shabbat Shalom

Korach Korach Korach
We have some of you in this congregation. Think you know what is correct. All trying to undermine the word of H'. Here we just call you the board....
Korach and his cronies accuse Moshe and Aaron of taking too much leadership...who wants that? Who wants to deal with that? 

After all the work Moshe puts in, he gets blamed for taking advantage of his position. What ungratefulness?...the board...
People always accuse the leaders. The good ones, like your rabbi...Never do they accuse the leaders who do nothing, like the gabbai.

16:15- Moshe, for the first time (speaks out against the people), says, 'Do not accept their gift offerings. I did not even taken a donkey or wrong even one of them.'
Ungrateful- the board
A beautiful line, my father, Rabbi Kilimnick, has mentioned in the name of his Rosh Yeshiva (at least I think- I should have listened more growing up)- to misquote is 'Why is he mad at me, what favors have I done for him, that he should be mad at me.' Totally misquoted, but it says everything about non-talented and lazy people...Always blaming it on the ones who do good for them...Mrs. Goldstone was visited in the hospital by the whole Kehillah. Why are you cursing everybody with nasty words like, 'You should live and be well'? What have the people of this congregation done to you? They have helped you.

What did Moshe do wrong? He tried and he helped. People like Mrs. Goldstone and the board cannot stand people that do stuff...they like to sit and talk about how it is wrong...To accept the kindness would be to note your failure. It is the talented people who are able to take favors from other people and let other people do their work, with appreciation and no effort. Content, sitting back on a chair...bosses. 
It hurts when you do good for people, and Moshe has to fight back against the Korach group...However, Moshe did not have it as hard as you would think. Korach did not decide on his salary.

You do good for people and what do you get in return? The IRS coming after you for tax evasion.

Leadership is sometimes taken and sometimes chosen. Taken, as in the case of the board. Who paid off...Chosen, as in the case of the rabbi. The rabbi who has been chosen for a Holy task...(perfect place for the rabbi to ask for a raise)

And like an dissenter- what does Korach do? Rashi teaches (16:19) He laughs and mocks Moshe and Aaron all night. 'Look at these people trying to usurp the leadership'...says stuff like 'I care about you'.... That is what they always say.
Just like the board, 'I care about...' Always mocking the rabbi, because they cannot stand their spouse. I understand Mrs. Goldstone. Your husband should live and be well...Do they care? Have they set up the rabbis parking spot with a nice sign and canopy, out of respect for their leader who deserves it?

***These are excerpts from the sermon. For the sermon in its entirety, come see David Kilimnick perform at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, in downtown Jerusalem.
David also tours, if you invite him.
Shabbat Shalom uMvorach

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