Kedoshim Excerpts


Shabbat Shalom

(19:17) 'Don't hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your nation...'
Hating may be fine. Many people deserve to be hated. Mike for example, who never shares the armrest...But do not hate in your heart.
Talking about things can cause you to hate less. If I was not able to tell of this congregation, I would not be able to deal with your stupidities- your sinful ways...

(19:16) Don't be a talebearer.
These people deserve to be hated. But do we?
Don't be one of the women sitting in the big hat section of this shule...We must rebuke, so we do not hate.
That is another thing I should mention, as we are rebuking. How do we rebuke. First we have to get them to listen. We do this by telling them how nice the hats look...Those ladies behind you have to stand every time I talk...Are you all part of the Kennedy family?..
Don't stand by and watch your neighbor get killed. 'I am H.'' I realize I have to bring up this pasuk, as most of you in this congregation would gladly watch your neighbor die, as long as it did not disturb the fence
So we see, it is all fear. If we do not fear, we can do what is right. If we fear H' we will not worry and we will do what is right, without fear that telling people they are wrong will hurt us. Without fear that they will wear bigger hats and embarrass the whole Jewish community.
It is only when we tell other people off that we can bring peace and love.
(19:17) And do not become a sinner.
A sinner because of him. If we do not rebuke these annoying people, then we will hate...Rashi says, this means to embarrass the person. But do not embarrass the people. That would be wrong. That is another sin.
And thus, rebuke is what brings us together as a people. If Mike would just share the armrest, the selfish...
(19:18) Do not take revenge. Because if we do not tell these annoying people off in this congregation, I will start smacking their hands off the armrests and I definitely want to smack off some of those hats...They are huge...You are embarrassing yourselves.
'Love your neighbor as yourself, I am H.'' Love your neighbor as yourself and tell them off, as you would never walk out the house looking so annoying as to bother everybody with that amount of makeup...Blinding.
Get it out at the big hat ladies. Do not stick your siddur in their backs when they.
They do look annoying...It bothers me too. Tell your neighbors to fix their garage
Tell your in-laws that you also know how to take care of their child. Tell your nephews and nieces that maybe they should give you a dollar. Tell your children that you do not wipe your mouth and pick your nose with your right hand. You shake with that hand. You pick your nose with your left hand.
Education. That is rebuke.
May we all be zoyche to fear H' and only H' so that we can have the strength to stop this annoyance in the front row of the women's section.
May we merit to find the love in our hearts for our neighbors, who can die, through rebuke, so that we can deal with these  people.


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