Metzora excerpts


Shabbat Shalom

Upon the Tzaras becoming pure, there are three steps:
(14:18) And the Kohen shall make atonement for him, before H'
(14:19) And he shall atone for the purified from his contamination
(14:20) And the Kohen shall make atonement for him and he shall be Pure

If we were talking about the necessary atonement for this congregation, there would be another 1,000 psukim...that is for Mr. Goldsmith...
At first, he is not pure. Atonement is made with libation stuff. Atonement is then made with the sin-offering.
When the offering is brought, for the elevation, only then, may he become part of the community again- Pure.
Unlike Mr. Cohen who has still not taken a bath and smells disgusting. Taking up the whole left side of the shule.

Ramban teaches that atonement is brought up three times, representing three aspects of atonement: guilt, sin and elevation.
How you are guilty? Must I spell it out...Not supporting your wife or your paying dues...shlump...Talking stupidity...
But you cannot become pure, until you have brought your guilt and sin offerings. Hone up to what you have done. This happens a lot around this congregation. I saw Marvin take a step in on the choolante at kiddush last week. Knocked over Mr. Flatzenstein...Marvin didn't even help. He took his opportunity and went right in for the choolante...No honing in this congregation. No admission of guilt...In the supermarket, you deleafed the cabbage. Of course the outside layer is not edible...stealing...And then you talk about the cabbage as though it is disgusting- speaking Lashon Hara...Do you eat the outside of an orange?

The Kohen does the work. What do you do? You do nothing. You just sit and talk. But you have to have the right intention and purchase the offerings and pay off the system. Kind of the way you are supposed to pay your rabbi and give him a raise.
You have to let the Kohen do his work and perform the ritual. To not bother the Kohen in the middle of his work. This is what makes you pure. You have to let him talk. Let him do the renovations he wants to do...your rabbi have some piece and quiet every once in a while.

You have to admit that you are a sinner first, Mr. Goldsmith...Maybe if you were supporting your wife...Pure thoughts...Pay your dues.


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