VaYelech Excerpts
Shabbat Shalom
Showing up to shule in lawn chairs and bouncy chairs, because nobody purchased a seat...A shanda. Rosh Hashana was a shanda...
(31:19) H' tells Moshe and Yehoshua to write this song, 'and to teach the children of Israel, put it in their mouths, in order that this song will be for me as a witness against the children of Israel.'
A witness that the children of Israel messed up. And they did mess up when the chazan song that new tune to the uNetana Tokef to some Rihanna song. Now I am stuck singing that Ella Ella Ella thing....
Not all songs are positive. Pop music must stop in services. This new 'Rock the Teens' Torah campaign is killling the shule experience for everybody. I have had 'Baby Baby Baby Ooh' stuck in my head for the past three days....Ooh. Her is an idea. Why don't you sing the 'Ki Anu Amecha' (because we are Your nation) that everybody likes.
Young adults do not pay any dues. Bernie is the only one who purchased a seat this year. There are empty rows and lan chairs running down the isles. It looks like they are tailgating Musaf and Shofar blowing...That is why we haven't kicked Bernie out of the shule...
You want to remember something, put it into a song. That is why H' wants this in song form. It is good for the kids. You get a good jingle going, you remember it. You remember how you sinned.
Here is a new jingle for the shule...'Come to shule and you have your seat. Does not mean, you have to speak. The rabbi is at the lectern talking. So you shouldn't be coming in and out of the shule, walking.'
You see, songs are educational. 'You have been eating at restarurants spending a lot on the menus. So maybe right now you want to pay your dues...Lada, Lada, Lada, Da. Pay for you seat in shule.
A story about a kid...We will call him Michael. His parents never paid their dues. They sat in the back left corner of the shule...I hope you all enjoyed the inspirational story. Let's sing it in a song. 'The Shwartzwitzs never pay their dues. They have never sponsored a kiddush. But they eat all the pickles and relish. Lada Lada Da...'
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