Tazriah-Metzora Excerpts

Shabbat Shalom

Yom HaZikaron,the day of remembrance of the Israeli soldiers, and Yom HaAtzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, are this week...Yes we are pushing it off a day. Because, you all would already start celebrating the day on Shabbis, Bernie. You have everything a day before in this community. We celebrated New Years on the night of the 30th...So, you will have to do it Sunday night. I know it kills your week, but tradition does that.

This year, safety comes first...First Shabbat and then safety. Kids with flags are going to knock out each others eyes...That is not a from of Tzara'at. We just don't want Sadie up on the stage with the others, because she is accident prone. After services, when we sing Hatikva, it will be done so with no waving of the flags. We had too many injuries last year.
Does Mike have Tzara'at or is that a zit?
There is too much affliction in this Shul. I feel afflicted right now. But we must come together as a nation. And we all must participate in the community Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut event...

(14:21-22) The poor person who can't afford the three sheep, he brings one lamb as the guilt offering...Even though he can't afford the full amount for the Tzara'at portion, he still brings his offerings. He finds money and he brings a lamb. There is still money. There is still a requirement, even when people are poor. Poor people are still part of the community. They pay their dues. They have the same requirements...Give back something.
He still has to bring the flour portion. he doesn't save on that. You have a lamb. You can't have a meal without some decent bread and oil. Have you ever dunked good bread in a good oil? It is amazing...I am sick of the poor families in this congregation saying they can't host. They can. Just some oil, bread and a bissel lamb and nobody complains...No, you can't offer it. That would be against the Torah. 
Got to have it all together. You can make a meal on low budget. It is all a matter of how you put it together. You think the Hillel Sandwich was a simple little thing? No. You have to join different foods together for a meal. Use your crock-pot. Every kosher family should have a crock-pot. Even if you are poor, you can put in chicken legs and then throw in some rice and everybody will be happy...Even people who can't cook, have the requirement to bring the food.
Celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut with chicken legs...

And then two doves- one for the sin offering and one for the elevation offering- the kind of dove is dependent on what he can afford. Again, even poor people are welcome into the community.
(14:32) 'This is the law of the one who is inflicted with Tzara'at, who cannot afford, for his purification.'
But he still has to get something. Even one who cannot afford still gets a lamb and the birds. It is just as good as the rich people with their multiple sheep...I know the Jasler section of the shul doesn't agree to that...They don't even see me, behind their hats.

(14:20, 29, 31) After the whole process, that the Cohen does for him, he becomes pure. He must atone for him.
It is the touch of the Cohen. There is a level of connectedness and wantingness that brings the atonement. Not just the amount. The Cohen cooks it.
At the Yom HaAtzmaut community BBQ, you better all bring food. Even so, you must bring birds. No tofu. Even if you can't cook, there will be a grill-maner...

Those with Tzara'at cannot join the BBQ. Everybody else can join the BBQ. But they must bring the food...There are different ways to get over sickness. The poor person, without insurance can still get treatment. It might be two doves worth...There is a place for all in this world. The Mitzvahs allow for all, on different levels. But we must all host sometimes, and pay our dues.
We remember the soldiers by doing our part. It doesn't cost to show up.


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