Reah excerpts


Shabbat Shalom

12:12- 'And you shall be happy'
A commandment to be happy....not depressed and miserable like you people. I can understand why some of you are always mad...Benjamin is a messed up little boy. Look at him. He is eating the...did he just take that out of his nose, in shule? That is disgusting. You raised him wrong. If I raised a child like that I would also be moody. First off you call him Benjamin- name in full... 

They go up to the Temple, do the service and they are told that they have to be happy...
You people show up every Saturday morning- you depress me. I look at your faces. I don't even want to give a sermon. You look like you are going to puke out your depression onto the table. 

What makes for happiness? I will not justify that with an answer. That is not for me as your rabbi to help with. I will tell you what makes for depression. Being with you people on a weekend. When I could be out enjoying my summer vacation. Instead, I have to look at Bernie...

The Leviim were happy because they did not have any worries. Their food was brought to them. And it is the responsibility of the people to supply the Leviim.
Marbeh Nechasim Marbeh Da'aga- in Pirkei Avot, there is a teaching that the more assets you have, the more worries. Worries like paying dues...when we connect with the people who we give to and give them with the knowledge that it is fulfilling a commandment, then we might be able to connect to that happiness. So pay your dues and stop with the puke face Bernie. You are depressing me. I am moody because of you people...
Better yet, find happiness in doing nothing. Find happiness in having your parents pay your bills into your mid-30s.


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