Balak Excerpts


Shabbat Shalom

We all have what we think is right. Francine thinks it is right to not cut her grass on a regular basis...We all see it on the way to shule. I even heard the anti-Semites at the park yelling, 'Jews have big noses and high grass.'

After telling Balak that he will only say what H' tells him, Balak seems angered (23:11) 'What have you done to me. To curse my enemy I brought you, but you have blessed him.' Bilam was brought in, only to curse the Jews. Kind of like Maurie's constant cursing of Max. There is no rhyme or reason. Just constant cursing. This under the breath, 'Max is a too good...'
What does 'too good...' mean? He constantly curses out Max through blessings. The old way of cursing doesn't make sense. I even heard Francine's neighbor, Merv saying, 'Francine should live and be well.' I did not know Merv hated her that much... Balak didn't take Bilam's positive words about the Jews to be a curse. Apparently, Balak never showed up to the Jewish Home for dinner. You can hear a lot of negative blessings going on...
Balak is all mad at Bliam, because his desire was not kept. Just like when I asked the board to use the extra funds to help with the shule's upkeep and they thought it was better used for the president's parking spot sign.
Balak thinks he is correct. Just like the president of this congregation. But the question that Bilam raises is- what does H' want? A question not asked by this congregation of Jew haters...

Bilam answers Balak (23:12) 'I told you that what H' puts in my mouth, I will say.'
Now all the sudden, that is a problem. If Max would have become healed, that would have been a problem for Maurie. We are hear praying every day for Max to heal. What does H' want? 
Are we willing to accept what H' wants...H' does not want high grass. And He doesn't want the president driving to shule on Shabbat...We have a new closed parking lot, Mr. President. No. We cannot open up one space...We are competing with another shule right now...Because you didn't give the guy an Aliyah. Yes. He started another shule...
Do her neighbors curse her? Yes. With blessings. Because they are old. And the neighbors on the other side are 'those people.'

The rabbi speaks truth. Be it blessings. Be it most of the time telling you people how bad of congregants you are...But, No. Maurie. I will not curse Max.

What is amazing is that Bilam has to leave Balak and the idol worshiping to hear Gd (23:3). Only then, can he hear what H' has to say. For this 
The rabbi has to go sometimes.
For this reason, I, your rabbi, whom each one of you have asked to curse every other member of this congregation, will be going on a very long and extended summer trip. A holy getaway.
For you, I shall go to the mountains for the summer, to take in the beauty of the nice, freshly cut grass. As I return after the Hi-Holidays sometime, so I can hear what H' wants, you should all live and be well...payment. As this is for you, I will not be considering this a vacation.


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