Dvarim Excerpts


Shabbat Shalom

Maybe not.
Shabbis of Tisha Bav. The Beis Hamikdash destroyed- because of acts of baseless hatred like the gabai not giving an Aliyah to Dr. Futerberg last week....So you add an Aliyah. You know he is a hothead who likes getting up there...He can't read anything else...
Hating Mrs. Steinberg is not an act of baseless hatred. She deserves it. That is point-ful hatred. And pointful hatred is healthy.

All this fighting amongst our people, and then it is destroyed. All the sudden- 'We want back.' We want to go back to Israel. For what? So that we can protest against its existence?...Mrs. Steinberg. You just started a city wide protest against the settlement of Haifa and Beer Sheva. You said they were too far north and east from the center of the country. You insisted that Jews only need a 40km radius of living in Israel, as that is good enough for security...
How can you say you want to live there?

You need to deserve things. And the Jews in the desert didn't. H' tells the people (1:39-40) You are not getting the land, but your children are. You are going to wander around a little.
When the spies reported that Israel is scary, all the Jews lost their faith in Gd. Accept for Calev and Yehoshua. Kind of like why only Mr. Greenbaum got a candy from me last Shabbat. He was the only one who deserved it. He was the only one with enough faith in H' to do Hagba, and to not allow Bernie to drop the Torah again. That was a whole fiasco the shule did not need to deal with again.

You cannot always get things back. (1:41-42) After the Jews are told they cannot enter Israel they cry and do Teshuva. But it is too late, as H' says, 'I am not in your midst.' And we see even now, H' is not in our midst. Mrs. Steinberg is in our midst. Dr. Rosenfeld is in our midst. The Chazzan is in our midst...

And now, you are all crying, because of the destruction of the Temple. You are in Kansas.
And then Walmart closed down. You did not deserve the Walmart. Did you ever role back in the food section? Did you ever use the disabilities cart? Did you ever purchase one of the DVDs? No. You decided to stream them off the internet for free. After all the movie theaters have done, with reclining chairs for each and every person...You feel no shame. No Walmart. No Lowes. And you now cry and do Teshuva because you have nothing to do on a Saturday night...H' is even telling us now, 'You do not trust in Me. You do not trust in the theater business. Wander for another 40 years. Stream movies for the rest of your life.'

We cried. We admitted to are wrong doings and accepted lower wadges, but Walmart still didn't come back. It was too late.
It was too late when Max jumped in the pool and scared all of the children.
It was too late when Elizabeth was laughing at Kiddush and the Coke started coming out of every orifice.
It was too late when Mrs. Steinberg joined our community.
We cannot do Teshuva. It looks like she is going to be with us for another 40 years. Whether it is causing the fool in this town to not believe in H's protection, causing hatred among the people of this community, or whether she is closing down another Walmart, because she feels the vegetable section is not up to par.

It is too late. H' is not in our midst. We have to make our decisions before the problem. We should have made a decision to point-fully hate Mrs. Steinberg. 

Why do the Jews even care? They rejected H's protection, when they listened to the spies?
Even so, You can see that they did trust in H's protection, as they did not go and they wandered. They realized they cannot do it without H.' But it was too late. And now, the shule's summer trip to Israel has already been cancelled, because of fear of attack on Israel and the local protest against Israel's aggressive use of the Iron Dome. 
You have all chosen to protest Israel's aggression, but you will not visit because you fear attack while you are there. Who do you people believe in?...I believe in the hope that I will get another job. Like Moses was not able to lead the Jews into Israel, I do not want to kill my next trip to the Holy Land, spending it with Mrs. Steinberg...

You cannot say that wanting to give away three quarters of modern day Israel is belief in H's protection.
We have to want it as well. We have to deserve it. We have to go back to Walmart, so that we can purchase cheap enough jeans and deodorant, to last through our trip to Israel...

We have two young children going to Israel. The only two in this congregation who have never met Mrs. Steinberg...From these two, Shalom may come.

Happy Tisha BAv


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